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Stacie Garcia, LPC, NCC, CCPT
Supervised by Josh Hawkins, RPT-S, CCPT-S

Mental Health Counselor

Stacie Garcia

One of our greatest assets at TrueNorth Therapy PLLC is that in addition to years of formal mental health training, certifications, and work with children and adolescents within an inpatient mental health setting, our founder, Stacie Garcia, spent 22 years working in the field of public school special education. During that time, Stacie served as a classroom teacher, a homebound teacher, implemented counseling programs, and served as a diagnostician helping to develop effective school-based/home-based behavior interventions. This knowledge and experience serves to fill the gap that parents often face when encountering a teacher with limited mental health experience, or a therapist with limited knowledge on the modifications that need to be made to effectively facilitate a therapy program for clients experiencing developmental diversities. 


License # 89865


*Masters of Education, Texas A&M Commerce, Educational Diagnostician, Elementary and Special Education, 2004

*Masters of Science, University of North Texas, Clinical Mental Health Counselor, LPC, NCC,  CCPT, 2022


Mt. Whitney, Certified Pet Partners Therapy Dog

Animal Assisted Play Therapy

At TrueNorth Therapy PLLC, we have a certified Pet Partners Therapy dog. Wihitney has been providing services over the past 3 years to children with Denison ISD and Carrus Behavioral Hospital in Sherman, TX.  

Whitney loves to visit the children and can sense when someone is depressed, anxious, or needs a comforting companion.  She has the most gentle soul and caring heart. Whitney cannot wait to meet you!


Stacie has completed Level 1 of the Animal-Assisted Play Therapy training. In November 2024, she and Whitney will participate int Level 2 of the Animal-Assisted Play Therapy training. 

Stacie Garcia & Whitney

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